Develop your brand with the help from Wash Brands, a car wash marketing company

Brand Strategy

Building a Car Wash Brand is Like Dating

We like to use this analogy to better explain that a brand is more than just a logo or the look and feel of the business. A brand is the perception that attracts your customers – very much like dating. You must build a connection or relationship first before starting to persuade your audience that your brand is superior to your competition.

What is Brand Strategy?

Take a look at your brand.
Really take a look. What do you see?

Is your brand representing your company in the best possible light, attracting your ideal customer and setting the stage for your marketing team to deliver an outstanding experience? Or is your brand scattered? Or, worse, is your brand not quite meshing who you are and what you do?

If you fall in the latter categories, it’s time to introduce a new brand strategy.

Brand strategy is a comprehensive plan encompassing specific, long-term goals that contribute to the success of your company branding. It works with the component parts of your brand that make it identifiable and brings them together to form a story about who you are.

In other words, brand strategy is finding the right way to tell your story to your customers. And like any story, the devil’s in the details.

Our Brand Strategy Capabilities

We help you tell your story in a unique and engaging way no matter the medium, platform, or channel. Our brand strategy experts devise everything from messaging to execution to portray your brand in a truly immersive way.

  • RBrand Positioning
  • RBrand Story
  • RBrand Architecture
  • RNaming
  • RUX Strategy
  • RCommunication Strategy

How We Work

We conduct interviews with key executives, team members, partners, and customers to uncover insights that can be used to identify unique elements of your potential brand positioning and messaging. We combine these qualitative insights with quantitative research — including surveys, mass media monitoring, and social media listening. It is not just about carrying out traditional research, but determining the risks and rewards. We can even stress-test our recommendations with focus groups, in-store intercepts, business case modeling, and more.

Wash Brands is a branding company for car washes

Your Brand is the Heart and Soul of Your Company

Your brand is everything your customers think you are, everything they associate with you, and everything they expect when they interact with you. Get started today to improve Your brand Value and grow your reputation.